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Professional Practice

Year 3 


The idea for the manifesto is to take in consideration all my life and dreams for the future, not only what I think about the design. I would like a wide angle of the perspective of my life. Some of the main questions that I used to think about are: ‘what kind of person I wanna be? How I wanna be remembered? What value do I have?

I then thought about what kind of material I should use I went for a transparent acrylic which symbolizes my visible personality after that you know me. For this piece I created a single part then bent it to made a solid structure as the stable career I will hope to have. The words written express my skills, my beliefs, and a future perspective, this is why half part of the lamp has the words upside down to symbolize emphasize that sometimes I’m hard to understand. The bulb in the middle is the approach I have to the new ideas and the shadows that the light does represent what I will leave to others. 


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