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Year 3 - Final Major Project


"Men and women experience SPACE, FORMS, and the ENVIRONMENT in different ways and because of this differences.. architecture could respond with a gender specific awareness"


The idea is to convey the problem of gender inequality by trying to understand which are the main problems that occur in the student accommodation. How young people feel in this environment regarding cultures, religions, and well-being. What is the good balance between private and common spaces, considering the intention of creating a sense of community and to bring individualism with the design in the private space. How a place can be home for a short period of your life and a place where you can grow up.


Year 2 - Term 3


This project started as a group project in which our aim of the design was to create affordable housing that can be personalised and generalised to be implemented in a
wide scale. Creating a balanced personal and communal space, keeping private zones yet encourage and more social interactions in places such as kitchen and corridors. Emphasizing on elements that users prioritises, such as personal bathroom, and bedroom space. Incorporate spatial efficiency, and environmental sustainable innovation using technology. The second part of the project was individual and I decided to focus my design on the social area such as kitchen and living room. Normally the furniture in a house have rectangular shapes with a lot of edges so I settled my space with curved outlines. I made this decision because geometric shapes, squares or rectangles, can cause an unrested feeling, as they are very ordered, with pointed edges. While mixing these with curved surfaces and outlines it possible to have a relaxed feel and appear more soothing. My aim is to encourage people to stay in the room and do different activities at the same time, still having space for everything and everyone. The area is divided into three zones: the cooking area, living area and eating area. The shape of my design is an ’S’ form, this is to gather the three zones into one but still separated spaces. 

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